Our Chefs

Simple fun cooking helps you to cook and learn to create your own wonderful creation. Help you with simple cheat sheets to help you to cook easy and healthy recipes without sacrificing the taste. The main goal of this site was making the process simple fun and easy. Preparing good and nutritious food in less time. Meet our chefs who are putting new recipes .”

Hi, my name is Preeti Gupta. I am a married mother of two wonderful children, Saagar and Naina. This cooking journey was started for them. As I wanted to help them start cooking as my son said he was tired of eating out. Eating outside daily which truly was not healthy. I was happy to help my kids and started sending then simple ways to cook, and I am so happy now they have started cooking and they enjoy it I thought it would be great to share with you all.

I was born in India and studied at Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. After my initial schooling, I joined the Indian Army and attained the rank of Captain. After my marriage to my husband Ashwini Kumar, I moved to the US and have worked for the US Navy as well as top hospitals as an RN. I have my own web-designing business ITweblink, INC. 

I had been very busy over the years of working and taking care of my wonderful family. As my kids are grown up now, I decided to focus on doing things more for Children’s. 


Coming up soon “Recipes” from our new Chef Naina Gupta